德國(guó)S.C. UMT S.A公司

  • 普通商家
  • 德國(guó)S.C. UMT S.A公司
  • 經(jīng)營(yíng)模式:叉車(chē)及物流搬運(yùn)設(shè)備制造商 
  • 所在地區(qū):歐洲 德國(guó)
  • 在線交談: 中國(guó)叉車(chē)網(wǎng)(htyl001.com)客服咨詢(xún)
  • 電話:400-019-0081

  S.C. UMT S.A.公司是一個(gè)充滿活力、具有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的公司,其擁有年青但具有高資質(zhì)的員工。來(lái)自三大洲的眾多國(guó)家已通過(guò)與UMT的合作,檢驗(yàn)了其產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量、專(zhuān)業(yè)性與穩(wěn)定性。每件離開(kāi)UMT組裝線的產(chǎn)品都是遵循ISO9001, DIN, ASTM國(guó)際認(rèn)證而相應(yīng)創(chuàng)造出來(lái)的,由此確保了一連串的質(zhì)量控制。其主要產(chǎn)品有自動(dòng)堆高機(jī),起重機(jī),挖掘機(jī),液壓升降設(shè)備。
S.C. UMT S.A. is a dynamic company, with a young but highly qualified working force and with experience. Countries from three continents have tested quality, professionalism and reliability of co-operation with UMT. Each product that left assembling lines from UMT is created accordingly with international standards ISO 9001, DIN, ASTM, that assures a consistent quality control.
S.C. UMT S.A. was founded in 1960 by fusion between two big factories from Timisoara. In this moment it has 4 production sectors, each highly specialised different directions, from metallurgical equipments to metallic structures. Production efficiency is constantly monitorised by R&D Department, which coordinates company's production as a unitary whole.
Decided to be an active player on international market, UMT has closed its non-productive or old parts, reduced working personnel from 8100 in 1989 down to 1583 in 2001. The combination between low cost working force and low cost materials made UMT an attractive partner for companies all around the world, the total volume of sales (rate of turnover) in 2000 being 13 millions USD.

