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 河北固安美潔過(guò)濾器材廠工廠位于素有京津走廊 美譽(yù)的廊坊市,北臨首都北京,東靠大都市天津,交通便利。公司現(xiàn)擁有富有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的專業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)人員,質(zhì)量控制人員,生產(chǎn)工人100余名。擁有成套進(jìn)口的濾清器專業(yè)生產(chǎn)線和配套的進(jìn)口檢驗(yàn)和實(shí)驗(yàn)設(shè)備、氣體過(guò)濾器、精密油過(guò)濾器、粉塵回收、除塵等過(guò)濾器的生產(chǎn)。產(chǎn)品種類數(shù)千種,主要用于交通、石油、煉油、化工、電廠、鋼鐵廠、水泥、環(huán)保、冶金、煤炭、礦山、制藥、食品、啤酒等行業(yè)。本廠可以按用戶的要求制造多種規(guī)格及不同性能的異型過(guò)濾器產(chǎn)品 各種機(jī)車過(guò)濾器、空氣濾芯、機(jī)油濾芯、燃油濾芯、液壓油濾芯、水濾芯、油氣分離器、凈化除塵、除菌過(guò)濾器、油水分離器、氣水分離器、精密過(guò)濾器、濾袋、濾筒、板框式過(guò)濾器、空氣凈化初效、中效、高效過(guò)濾器??諝獬龎m濾芯(濾筒)、粉塵回收濾芯,空壓機(jī)空氣過(guò)濾器、油濾芯、油氣、油水分離器,液壓、氣動(dòng)濾芯,大型空分自潔式空氣過(guò)濾器、風(fēng)機(jī)進(jìn)風(fēng)口濾芯,燃?xì)廨啓C(jī)組空氣濾芯、燃油濾芯,天然氣管道過(guò)濾器,攪拌站用防塵處理機(jī)。濾油機(jī)油過(guò)濾器、磨煤機(jī)油濾芯、不銹鋼過(guò)濾器,礦山重型汽車、工程機(jī)械用空氣濾芯、機(jī)油濾芯、柴油濾芯、液壓油濾芯、水濾芯等、歡迎新老客戶惠顧、或來(lái)電咨詢

Hebei Guan Meijie filtration equipment factory is located in the Beijing-Tianjin corridor known as the reputation of Langfang City, north of the capital Beijing, on the east by metropolitan Tianjin, convenient transportation. The company has experienced professional design staff, quality control personnel, more than 100 production workers. The filter has imported complete sets of professional production lines and supporting the import inspection and test equipment, gas filter, precision filter, dust filter, dust recycling production. Thousands of products, mainly used for traffic, petroleum, chemical, oil refining, power plants, steel plants, cement, environmental protection, metallurgy, coal, mining, pharmaceutical, food, beer and other industries. The factory can according to user requirements to create a variety of specifications and performance of different filter products profiled various locomotive filter, air filter, oil filter, fuel filter, oil filter, water filter, oil and gas separator, dust purification, sterilization filter, oil-water separator, a gas water separator, filter, filter bag, filter, filter early effect filter, air purification, in effect, high efficiency filter. Air dust filter ( filter ), recycling of dust filter, air compressor air filter, oil filter, oil and gas, oil and water separator, hydraulic, pneumatic element, large air separation self-cleaning air filter, the air inlet of the fan filter, gas turbine air filter, fuel filter, natural gas pipeline filter, mixing station dust processor. Oil filter oil filter, oil filter, stainless steel filter for coal mill, mine heavy vehicles, engineering machinery with the air filter, oil filter, diesel filter, hydraulic oil filter, water filter, welcome new and old customers to visit, or call the Advisory

主要經(jīng)營(yíng): 主營(yíng)行業(yè):
企業(yè)類型: 企業(yè)單位 經(jīng)營(yíng)模式: 叉車配件制造商 
成立時(shí)間: 經(jīng)營(yíng)地址: 固安縣林城工業(yè)區(qū)
員工人數(shù): 注冊(cè)資本: