保加利亞艾佩克斯服務(wù)公司/Apex Service Ltd.

  • 在線(xiàn)交談: 中國(guó)叉車(chē)網(wǎng)(htyl001.com)客服咨詢(xún)
  • 電話(huà):400-019-0081

  Apex Service公司成立于1990年,主要銷(xiāo)售Balkancar廠(chǎng)家各種類(lèi)型叉車(chē)的配件,同時(shí)代理Balkancar的電動(dòng)叉車(chē)。

The company was established in 1990 in Plovdiv. As the years went by, the company gained business reputation as reliable partner for the delivery of spare parts for trucks. Quality and price, rapidity and accuracy, tolerance and trust: these are the foundations of our stability. The company employs 80 highly qualified workers.
Our main business is the sale of spare parts for all the models of forklifts and electric trucks made by Balkancar. We offer great diversity of spare parts (more than 3000 items) available at our warehouse. The perfect organization of our warehouses allows us to make shipments of spare parts in the shortest times and yet under strict control.
The chain of stores of Apex Service Ltd in Plovdiv, Shumen, Burgas, Varna, Sliven and other towns offers the full range of Balkancar products and a special selection of imported parts from renowned world manufacturers.
Beside the production and sales of trucks and spare parts, the company is involved in the design and sales of new models of trucks.
We also offer servicing, maintenance and renovation of forklifts and electric trucks. The high professional qualification of our staff guarantees the perfect quality of our products.
The company further offers various handling equipment made in Bulgaria.
Apex Service is the main distributor of companies such as “Balkan” (Lovech), “Garant” (Byala Slatina), “Dynamic” (Sofia), “Zebra” (Novi Iskar) and “VAMO” (Varna). The company is the exclusive representative for Bulgaria of the German “Hoerbiger” (spare parts for gearboxes) and the Romanian “Hidrojet” (injection components for diesel engines), and it is the main distributor of the Slovakian “Tribometal” (bearings) and the Romanian “Mefin” (injection systems for diesel fuel).Apex Service Ltd has partners of many years in Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Spain, Romania, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Belarus, Slovakia…


