美國(guó)FMC Technologies (AGV)

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  • 普通商家
  • 美國(guó)FMC Technologies (AGV)
  • 經(jīng)營(yíng)模式:叉車(chē)及物流搬運(yùn)設(shè)備制造商 
  • 所在地區(qū):美洲 美國(guó)
  • 在線交談: 中國(guó)叉車(chē)網(wǎng)(www.htyl001.com)客服咨詢(xún)
  • 電話:400-019-0081

FMC 歡迎為終端用戶(hù)提供自動(dòng)車(chē)輛導(dǎo)向系統(tǒng)的物料搬運(yùn)代理商加盟,我們將真誠(chéng)地開(kāi)展合作開(kāi)發(fā)出滿(mǎn)足項(xiàng)目目標(biāo)的方案。

FMC Technologies is North America's largest supplier and a world leader in providing Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) Systems. We supply new AGV Systems including vehicles, software, installation, integration and long term customer support.

But FMC Technologies is more than just an expert in supplying world class AGV systems. We are also a leader in developing new AGV Technology. As we advance this technology, we are bringing what was once impossible, within reach. If our many standard vehicle types do not provide the desired solution, we will custom engineer one that does.

As part of the publically held (NYSE: FTI) US based corporation, FMC Technologies, Inc., we have the financial strength to succeed on the largest projects. We are committed to the AGV industry and that committment is evident on projects of all sizes. During our 20 plus years in supplying AGV systems, we have seen companies enter and exit the industry. Our committment has remained steady. Just like our growth.

We have not grown to be the largest, most powerful AGV company by accident. We take the job of listening to and understanding our customer's challenges, very seriously. We provide the industries' brightest and most experienced staff, with an average of over 10 years AGV experience, to develop the optimum solution that delivers real-world results. And with over 150 full time employees, dedicated to AGVs, we have the resources to deliver that optimum solution both on-time and under budget.Career Opportunities

FMC Technologies is committed to recruiting and maintaining the highest quality employees. We offer a rewarding career in automation and a comprehensive benefits package. Candidates interested in employment should contact the closest FMC Technologies - Automated Systems office or email sgv.sales@fmcti.com.

Representatives and Integrators

FMC Technologies works in cooperation with material handling representatives and integrators in delivering AGV systems to end user customers. If you are a material handling representative or integrator and are aware of a potential project using AGVs, please contact us. We would be happy to work with you to develop a solution that meets the project goals. sgv.sales@fmcti.com.

主要經(jīng)營(yíng): 主營(yíng)行業(yè):
企業(yè)類(lèi)型: 企業(yè)單位 經(jīng)營(yíng)模式: 叉車(chē)及物流搬運(yùn)設(shè)備制造商 
成立時(shí)間: 經(jīng)營(yíng)地址: FMC Technologies 400 Highpoint Drive Chalfont, PA 18914 U.S.A.
員工人數(shù): 注冊(cè)資本: