德國富奇(FUCHS)TEREX|Fuchs GmbH

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  自從公司1888年成立以來,TEREX Fuchs就一直作為機(jī)械工程領(lǐng)域創(chuàng)造性方案背后的驅(qū)動性力量。在其110多年的歷史中,從一個(gè)基于手工藝的生意開始,到今天的TEREX企業(yè)集團(tuán),它作為世界市場上裝載機(jī)與搬運(yùn)單元的專業(yè)技術(shù)提供者與制造商。
  在這里,TEREX又一次將其方向指向技術(shù)方案的領(lǐng)袖,寫出工業(yè)歷史它自己的新篇章。100多年機(jī)械工程的經(jīng)驗(yàn)與最多樣化的生產(chǎn)方式奠定了TEREX Fuchs產(chǎn)品的不斷完善與進(jìn)一步發(fā)展的基礎(chǔ),公司理念的成功反映在銷售額的增長與穩(wěn)步增多的全球經(jīng)銷點(diǎn),這些要?dú)w功于其國際操作集團(tuán)的整合,進(jìn)而提供了強(qiáng)大的物流與配件供應(yīng)支持。世界范圍內(nèi),TEREX如今在全球郵輪作業(yè)中排名第三,越來越多的顧客從這一地位中獲益甚多。


Ever since the Company was set up in the year 1888, TEREX Fuchs has been a driving force behind innovative solutions in mechanical engineering.  In the course of its 110-year history, the Company has evolved from its roots as a handicrafts-based business into an enterprise in the TEREX Group, where it is a specialist technology provider and global player to be reckoned with on the world market for loading machines and handling units. 
Here, time and again, TEREX Fuchs has pointed the way forward with pioneering technical solutions, writing its own piece of industrial history.  More than 100 years of experience in mechanical engineering and the most varied of production methods form the basis for the tradition of continuous product improvement and further development at TEREX Fuchs.  The success of this corporate philosophy is reflected in surging sales figures and in the steadily rising global distribution of its products, which are now backed by strong logistics and spare-parts supply thanks to its integration into an internationally operating Group. Worldwide, TEREX is now ranked no. 3 in the list of global full liners, and the customers of TEREX Fuchs are benefiting from this position on an increasing scale.

主要經(jīng)營: 主營行業(yè):
企業(yè)類型: 企業(yè)單位 經(jīng)營模式: 叉車整機(jī)代理/銷售商 
成立時(shí)間: 經(jīng)營地址: Industriestrasse 3 76669 Bad Schönborn
員工人數(shù): 注冊資本: