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安徽宇鋒 帶雨刮器電動(dòng)牽引車

安徽宇鋒 帶雨刮器電動(dòng)牽引車
安徽宇鋒 帶雨刮器電動(dòng)牽引車
安徽宇鋒 帶雨刮器電動(dòng)牽引車
安徽宇鋒 帶雨刮器電動(dòng)牽引車
安徽宇鋒 帶雨刮器電動(dòng)牽引車






1. CURTIS柯蒂斯電控,控制器多重自動(dòng)保護(hù)系統(tǒng)。
3. AC交流驅(qū)動(dòng)系統(tǒng),大扭矩,爬坡能力強(qiáng),動(dòng)力強(qiáng)勁,大牽引力,確保車子在不平整的路面和斜坡上依然平穩(wěn)行駛。
4. 大直徑實(shí)心胎,適用于多種路面。
5. 緊急斷電開關(guān)作為標(biāo)準(zhǔn)配置,只需按下緊急停止按鈕就可以切斷所有電源,車子立即停止或  緊急情況下快速斷電,提供安全保護(hù)。
7. 配置環(huán)保無痕輪,適用于環(huán)氧地坪漆。

1.Because of CURTIS electronic control, so we have multiple automatic protection system controllers.
2. Electronic power steering makes operation more comfortable.
3. AC drive system, large torque, Strong climbing capacity, strong power, and powerful traction  to ensure that the car can still run smoothly on the uneven road surface and slope .
4. Solid tire with large diameter is applicable to the surface of a variety of road.
5. We consider emergency power switch as a standard configuration. Just press the emergency stop button to cut off all the power in case of an emergency, the car can stop immediately.
6. Electricity meter is configured, so as to remind operators charge timely, and convenient to protect the battery.