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新品:全電動(dòng)搬運(yùn)車可折式踏板1.5-2.5噸托盤車|河南叉車服務(wù)商 ERE1.5-2.5

新品:全電動(dòng)搬運(yùn)車可折式踏板1.5-2.5噸托盤車|河南叉車服務(wù)商 ERE1.5-2.5










序號Item 參數(shù) Specification 單位 Unit ERE15 ERE20 ERE22 ERE25
1 概述 General 額定載荷 Rated capacity Kg 1500 2000 2200 2500
2 載荷中心 Load center mm 600 600 600 600
3 操作類型 Drive type   站式 Standed
4 行車制動(dòng) Motor brake   Electromagnetic
5 前懸距 Load distance (centerline of front axle to front face of forks) mm 963/1054 963/1033 963/1033 957
6 蓄電池重量 Battery weight Kg 48 185 185 280
7 自重(含蓄電池) Self weight (with battery) Kg 286 520 515 970
8 滿載橋負(fù)荷 驅(qū)動(dòng)側(cè)/承重側(cè) Full Load per Axle - Driving side / bearing side Kg 675/1115 1040/1480 1085/1630 162/1850
9 空載橋負(fù)荷 驅(qū)動(dòng)側(cè)/承重側(cè) Empty Load per Axle - Driving side / bearing side Kg 230/60 405/115 400/115 780/200
10 尺寸 Dimensions 提升高度 Lifting Height (standard) mm 120 120 120 130
11 貨叉最低離地高度 Fork min. ground clearance mm 85 85 85 85
12 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)貨叉外寬 Adjust width of fork (standard) mm 520/650 540/685 540/685 560
13 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)貨叉尺寸 Fork size mm 47/160/1220 60/160/1150 60/160/1150 60/160/1150
14 輪軸中心離地間隙 Minimum ground clearance mm 24 25 25 25
15 整車長度 Overall length mm 1660 1815/1885 1815/1885 2025
16 整車寬度 Overall width mm 700 726 726 796
17 整車高度(含手柄) Overall height (including handle ) mm 1235 1323 1323 1290
18 車體高度 Bodywork height mm 677 745 745 1196
19 輪距 前/后 Wheel tread (front/rear) mm 490/490 540/380 540/380 441/380
20 輪軸軸距 Supporting wheel tread mm 1310 1368 1368 1515
21 最小轉(zhuǎn)彎半徑 Minimum turning radius mm 1976 1640 1640/1710 1865
22 直角通道寬度(1200托盤) Stacking right angle aisle width (1200mm pallet) mm 1976 2105 2105 2255
23 性能數(shù)據(jù) Performance 最大行駛速度 滿載 Max. driving speed (full) Km/h 5 5 5.8 8.7
24 空載 Max. driving speed (empty) Km/h 5.2 5.2 6 9
25 最大起升速度 滿載 Max. lifting speed (full) mm/s 27 27 19 33.7
26 空載 Max. lifting speed (empty) mm/s 35 35 38 45
27 最大下降速度 滿載 Max. declining speed (full) mm/s 42 42 30 35.7
28 空載 Max. declining speed (empty) mm/s 27 27 27 18.7
29 爬坡度 滿載/空載 Gradeability full/empty % 5/8 10/16 9/15 6.9/14
30 轉(zhuǎn)向角度 Steering angle ° 205 180 180 180
31 耳邊噪音 Sound level at the driver's ear dB(A) <70 <70 <70 <70
32 輪子底盤 Wheel 輪子材質(zhì) Wheels material   聚氨酯輪(Polyurethane)
33 輪子數(shù)量(前/后) Wheel number (front/rear)   4/3
34 驅(qū)動(dòng)輪尺寸 Drive wheel (mm) mm φ252X89 φ230X75 φ230X75 φ254X82
35 承重輪尺寸 Load wheel (mm) mm φ74X70 φ74X70 φ84X70 φ84X70
36 平衡輪尺寸 Balance wheel (mm) mm φ100X40 φ100X40 φ100X40 φ149X55
37 動(dòng)力控制系統(tǒng) Power and Control 電機(jī) Motor 行走 Travel motor KW 0.8 1.5 1.5 2.2
38 起升 Lift motor KW 0.6 0.8 0.8 2.2
39 蓄電池 Battery 電壓 Voltage V 2X12 24 24 24
40 容量 Battery capacity Ah 80 210 210 360
41 動(dòng)力 Power   Electric