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2022-10-11 09:50 性質:轉載 作者:亞洲物流展CeMAT 來源:亞洲物流展CeMAT


盡管當前的新冠疫情防控工作已取得了階段性成果,但防疫工作仍舊不可放松。為認真貫徹落實好國務院聯(lián)防聯(lián)控工作部署精神,確保廣大展商和客戶的身體健康,同時力爭將參展的利益最大化,我們經過與相關部門慎重、積極的溝通,并充分聽取各方意見后,決定將原定于2022年11月1-4日舉辦的2022亞洲國際物流技術與運輸系統(tǒng)展覽會(CeMAT ASIA 2022)及其同期論壇、活動延期至2022年11月25-28日舉行,舉辦地點不變,仍為上海新國際博覽中心(龍陽路2345號)。后續(xù)我們仍將與相關部門保持持續(xù)溝通與協(xié)商,保障新展期的各項工作妥善進行。

亞洲國際物流技術與運輸系統(tǒng)展覽會(CeMAT ASIA)已經走過了20多個年頭,在這20多年從無到有,從小到大,從大到強的發(fā)展歷程中,任何一位參展商、觀眾、合作伙伴和媒體朋友的支持都是不可或缺、舉足輕重的,是大家的共同努力,造就了這一亞洲范圍內物流裝備行業(yè)標志性的展會平臺。因此,確保展會能達到預期的質量和效果是我們工作的重中之重。

展會的延期為大家?guī)砹酥T多不便,對此我們深表歉意,但我們深信,延期后的CeMAT ASIA 2022將為所有人帶來更好的體驗和最大的收獲。在展會延期期間,我們也將投入更多時間和精力到展會的各項服務工作中,積極協(xié)助參展企業(yè)、觀眾、合作方和媒體安排好后續(xù)相關工作,迎接展會的到來。

再次感謝每一位朋友對于CeMAT ASIA一直以來的支持與厚愛,期待2022年的再聚首,期待久違的重逢碰撞出更奪目的火花。

Dear exhibitors, visitors, partners and friends from the press,

The preparedness and prevention against the COVID pandemic should not be relaxed in spite of achievements recorded so far. Following the decisions made by the State Council on joint prevention and control of the pandemic and for the interest of physical health of exhibitors and clients, we’ve decided topostpone CeMAT ASIA 2022, which is previously scheduled for November 1-4, 2022, together with its concurrent events, to November 25-28, 2022, with the location of Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC, No. 2345 of Longyang Road) unchanged. This is a decision based on prudent consideration and active communication with relevant authorities as well as opinions from a wide range of stakeholders so as to maximize the interests of exhibitors. We’ll keep in close contact with relevant authorities for the smooth preparation and proper organization of this event.

Since its inception more than twenty years ago, CeMAT ASIA has become a leading exhibition for logistics equipment in Asia thanks to the great efforts and support from exhibitors, visitors, partners and friends from the press. Therefore, it is our priority to ensure the realization of expected results for this fair.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this postponement. However, we are convinced that a greater harvest and better experience will come out of this postponement as we will devote more time and energy to providing services of higher quality and actively assist exhibitors, visitors, partners and media to make follow-up arrangements, ready for the fair to kick off.

We’d like to thank every friend for their commitment to CeMAT ASIA and look forward to a long-waited reunion in 2022 with more dazzling sparks.



