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2021-06-15 09:43 性質(zhì):轉(zhuǎn)載 作者:科尼港口解決方案 來源:科尼港口解決方案
Régie du Terminal à Conteneurs (RTC)是一家喀麥隆的碼頭運(yùn)營商。截至目前,他們已經(jīng)訂購了兩臺生態(tài)高效環(huán)保的科尼Gottwald 6型移動式港口起重機(jī),以提...

Régie du Terminal à Conteneurs (RTC)是一家喀麥隆的碼頭運(yùn)營商。截至目前,他們已經(jīng)訂購了兩臺生態(tài)高效環(huán)保的科尼Gottwald 6型移動式港口起重機(jī),以提高其整體集裝箱裝卸能力。該訂單于2021年第一季度下單。

Régie du Terminal à Conteneurs (RTC), a terminal operator in Cameroon, has ordered two eco-efficient Konecranes Gottwald Model 6 Mobile Harbor Cranesto improve their overall capacity in container handling. The order was booked in Q1 2021.

兩臺新型起重機(jī)是科尼Gottwald 6型移動港口起重機(jī),屬于G HMK 6507機(jī)型。其最大半徑為51米,可為后巴拿馬型集裝箱船提供服務(wù)。全系列智能起重機(jī)的特點在于125噸的最大起重能力,為處理任何類型的貨物(包括散雜貨及超重及大件貨物)提供了高度的靈活性。

The two new cranes are Konecranes Gottwald Model 6 Mobile Harbor Cranes in the G HMK 6507 variant. With a maximum radius of 51 m, they can service container vessels up to post-Panamax class. A full range of smart crane features combined with a maximum lifting capacity of 125 t offers high flexibility in handling any kind of cargoincluding general and even heavy project cargo.


“Playing such an important part in the local economy, we need to maintain high-quality services for both Cameroonian and international clients. Our two new Konecranes Gottwald mobile harbor cranes will help uscontinue to meet increasing customer demand well into the future."

Faustin Dingana

Managing Director of RTC Douala



Cranes fleet in RTC

預(yù)計通過杜阿拉港的貨物量會增加,RTC決定增加其碼頭車隊的移動式港口起重機(jī)數(shù)量。RTC訂購了兩臺科尼Gottwald 6型移動式港口起重機(jī),將提高其貨物裝卸能力,并幫助他們將處理喀麥隆港口大部分運(yùn)輸量的碼頭提高到一個新的效率水平。這些起重機(jī)將于2021年8月初抵達(dá)港口。

Anticipating an increase in the volume of cargo passing through the Port of Douala, RTC decided to add to the fleet of mobile harbor cranes at their terminal. They ordered two Konecranes Gottwald Model 6 cranes as this equipment will provide them with more cargo handling capacity and help them raise their terminal, which handles the majority of Cameroonian port traffic, to a new level of efficiency. The cranes will arrive in early August 2021.

科尼港口解決方案區(qū)域銷售經(jīng)理Andreas Czwalinna對此表示:“RTC已經(jīng)運(yùn)營了一支由科尼叉車和移動式港口起重機(jī)組成的車隊,他們再次選擇我們,表明了我們的高性能起重機(jī)能夠幫助他們實現(xiàn)生產(chǎn)率和增長的雙重目標(biāo)?!?/p>

“RTC already operates a fleet of Konecranes lift trucks and mobile harbor cranes, and the fact that they have chosen us again demonstrates how the performance of our cranes helps them reach their productivity and growth objectives,” says Andreas Czwalinna, Regional Sales Manager for Konecranes Port Solutions.


A strong focus on customers and commitment to business growth and continuous improvementmake Konecranes a lifting industry leader. This is underpinned by investments in digitalization and technology, plus our work to make material flows more efficient with solutions that decarbonize the economy and advance circularity and safety.



