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2020-12-19 09:18 性質(zhì):轉(zhuǎn)載 作者:科尼港口解決方案 來源:科尼港口解決方案
Magazzini Generali Silos Frigoriferi S.p.A.(MGSF)于2020年9月訂購又一臺生態(tài)高效的科尼Gottwald移動式港口起重機,用于位于那不勒斯的工業(yè)設(shè)施。那不勒...

Magazzini Generali Silos Frigoriferi S.p.A.(MGSF)于2020年9月訂購又一臺生態(tài)高效的科尼Gottwald移動式港口起重機,用于位于那不勒斯的工業(yè)設(shè)施。那不勒斯是意大利西南海岸一座久負(fù)盛名的港口城市。起重機計劃于12月交付并調(diào)試,用以拓展項目貨物裝卸業(yè)務(wù)。

In September 2020, Magazzini Generali Silos Frigoriferi S.p.A. (MGSF) ordered another eco-efficient Konecranes Gottwald Mobile Harbor Crane for their facility in Napoli (Naples), the famous port city on the southwest coast of Italy. With delivery and commissioning planned for December, the crane will help expand their project cargo activities.

科尼Gottwald 5型移動式港口起重機是一臺G HMK 5506新型起重機。工作半徑達(dá)到51米或第17排集裝箱。外伸距為超巴拿馬型集裝箱船所需。125噸貨物的起升能力高達(dá)18米。高速裝卸令其成為重載項目起吊的理想之選。這臺起重機可與Klingenberg 集團(tuán)現(xiàn)場配備的2型移動式港口起重機結(jié)合,用于裝卸重達(dá)80噸的小型貨物。這臺5型新型起重機將配備內(nèi)置外部電源,因而在資源許可的條件下,可輕松切換到電力操作。同時,這臺起重機還符合意大利工業(yè)4.0國家計劃設(shè)定的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。這項國家戰(zhàn)略鼓勵工業(yè)創(chuàng)新。

The new crane will be a Konecranes Gottwald Model 5 Mobile Harbor Crane in the G HMK 5506 variant, with a working radius of up to 51m, or the 17th container row, the outreach needed for post-Panamax container ships. Its 125t lifting capacity up to 18m and high working speed make it ideal for heavy project lifting. It serves as the perfect complement to the Model 2 mobile harbor crane that Klingenberg Group already has on-site, which can handle smaller loads up to 80t. The new Model 5 will have built-in readiness for an external power supply, so conversion to electric operation will be easy when resources allow. It also fulfills the criteria set out in Italy’s National Industry 4.0 Plan, a state strategy that encourages industrial innovation.


“This is the second mobile harbor crane we’ve bought from Konecranes, and the most powerful in our fleet. In the Port of Naples, we handle general cargo of high value, such as finished steel coils for the car industry and other steel products. The precision and reliability of our equipment is an asset that we can offer our customers in terms of the finest quality handling.”


Managing Director of MGSF

Erik Klingenberg


MGSF was incorporated in 2001, when it started in warehousing at the Port of Naples under the Klingenberg Group, a local shipping services company. The port is well over 2,000 years old, dating back to the times of Greek colonization and the Roman Empire. Today, it is one of Italy’s biggest seaports, with terminals for cargo handling, RoRo vessels, passenger traffic, and docks for ship repairs. There are transport connections by rail and road to other parts of Italy and plenty of storage space for goods awaiting transit. MGSF has recently seen a steady rise in general and project cargo, so they need a new crane with more capacity to handle heavy and bulky goods..

“與其說是MGSF的供應(yīng)商,我們更像其合作伙伴?!笨颇岣劭诮鉀Q方案區(qū)域銷售經(jīng)理Gino Gherri這樣說道?!拔覀兊漠a(chǎn)品和服務(wù)為他們帶來良好的體驗,進(jìn)而穩(wěn)固我們的合作關(guān)系。我們期待在不久的將來繼續(xù)與他們攜手共事?!?/p>

“We’re more like partners than suppliers for MGSF,” says Gino Gherri, Regional Sales Manager for Konecranes Port Solutions. “We have a strong relationship consolidated by their good experience with our products and service. We look forward to continuing our work with them in the future.”



