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Bendi in Modex2018 Atlanta U.S.A. 搬迪倉(cāng)儲(chǔ)叉車美國(guó)本土參與亞特蘭大物流展

2018-04-14 00:00 性質(zhì):轉(zhuǎn)載 作者:搬迪倉(cāng)儲(chǔ)叉車 來源:搬迪倉(cāng)儲(chǔ)叉車
Apr9-12,2018,In Modex2018 Atlanta U.S.A.2018年4月9日-12日,美國(guó)2018年亞特蘭大物流展。(CEO Bendi Asia Pacific of Landoll Group)Andy Higham...

Apr9-12,2018,In Modex2018 Atlanta U.S.A.


(CEO Bendi Asia Pacific of Landoll Group)Andy Higham:Bendi Articulated Forklift is  increasing consumers’ expectations...瀾多集團(tuán)搬迪鉸鏈?zhǔn)?a href="http://www.htyl001.com/sell/search.php?keyword=%E5%8F%89%E8%BD%A6" title="叉車" target="_blank">叉車亞太區(qū)首席執(zhí)行主席安迪.海厄姆:搬迪鉸鏈?zhǔn)讲孳囌谔岣哂脩舻钠谕?..

Brand value of Bendi:Achieve the highest storage efficiency and the lowest cost of single pallet storage.*Anything esle is a waste of space.


Brand history of Bendi:Bendi was founded in 1964, Bendi hasBendidedicated to develop Narrow Aisle Forklift, in 2003 won the British Queen's scientific and Technological Innovation Award, Bendi has a number of product patents.


Brand scaleof Bendi:Bendi Brand belongs to LANDOLL GROUP ,Landoll is a Global  Company,Landoll offers four lines of forkifts including Bendi, Drexel, Landoll and  Precision Telehandler.

搬迪叉車品牌歸屬于瀾多集團(tuán),Landoll是一家全球化的公司,叉車產(chǎn)品系列涵蓋Bendi鉸鏈?zhǔn)讲孳? Drexel Swing mast側(cè)裝叉車,landoll緊湊型叉車,PT重裝叉車。 

Application of Bendi:Bendi forklift is applied to the working conditions of  VNA forklift ,counter balance forklift , reach truck, and other narrow aisle conditions like Automobile factory,handling long strip building materials, Production site ,Supermarket ,Cold storage, ect. Bendi can be used outside building & inside building ,Climbing ability of 15% in full load condition.Bedni has the lowest cost  in the life cycle of equipment.

市場(chǎng)應(yīng)用:搬迪倉(cāng)儲(chǔ)叉車應(yīng)用于平衡重式叉車, 前移叉車,VNA叉車所適用的使用工況,汽車廠,長(zhǎng)條形異型材搬運(yùn),生產(chǎn)車間,超市, 冷庫,及其他狹窄通道工況,Bendi室外和室內(nèi)不平坦路面的行駛,滿載工況爬坡度15%,并具有最低的設(shè)備擁有成本。

BendiChina:SH Yunlandoll is committed to the logistics system solution of Bendi narrow channel warehouse forklift in China, we provides users with the lowest cost of logistics storage system design and product technology.   




