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2020-08-07 15:34 性質:轉載 作者:科尼港口解決方案 來源:科尼港口解決方案
南圣路易斯安納港口于2020年第二季度訂購兩臺科尼Gottwald 6型港口門座起重機,將其用于Globalplex聯運碼頭(Globalplex)公共設施。這些起重機計劃于2021年9月...

南圣路易斯安納港口于2020年第二季度訂購兩臺科尼Gottwald 6型港口門座起重機,將其用于Globalplex聯運碼頭(Globalplex)公共設施。這些起重機計劃于2021年9月進行調試使用,以提升散裝貨物的裝卸能力,并在未來實現靈活裝卸集裝箱和超重及大件貨物。 

In the second quarter of 2020, Port of South Louisiana ordered two Konecranes Gottwald Model 6 Portal Harbor Cranes for its public facility, Globalplex Intermodal Terminal (Globalplex). With commissioning planned for September 2021, the cranes will increase capacity for bulk materials and add flexibility for future handling of containers and project cargo.

這兩臺新型起重機將是科尼Gottwald港口門座起重機(G HSK 6548 B四繩起重機),最大起升能力為125噸。這些操作靈活的起重機可用于裝卸連續(xù)使用的散裝貨物或超重及大件貨物。然而,訂單中還包括大臂頂部電纜卷筒(用以操作集裝箱裝卸用電動吊具)以及起重機智能功能(例如,起升高度和作業(yè)范圍操作助手以及貨艙計數器)。此外,網絡報告系統(tǒng)和遠程桌面控制功能利用最新技術,進而提升起重機的操作和性能的人機工程學、效率和安全性。起重機將安裝在定制門座上,并使用現有的軌道基礎設施。為了將故障時間降至最低,該訂單包括大型備件包,以確保維護和部分的維修工作可以由內部技術人員快速完成。

Their two new cranes will be Konecranes Gottwald Portal Harbor Cranes in the G HSK 6548 B four-rope variant, with a maximum lifting capacity of 125 t. These flexible machines offer the potential for continuous-duty bulk material handling or heavy project cargo, but the order also includes a boom-top cable reel to operate electric spreaders for container handling. Included are smart crane features such as hoisting-height and working-range assistants and cargo-hold totalizer. Further, web reporting and remote desktop control utilize the latest technology that add ergonomics, efficiency and safety to crane operation and performance. Mounted on customized portals, the cranes will use the existing rail infrastructure. In order to minimize downtime, the order includes a large spare part package so that maintenance and some repairs can be completed quickly by their own technicians. 


“Acquiring these cranes is an important addition to our port. The Port of South Louisiana is committed to maintaining and expanding our infrastructure capabilities to keep the port competitive and efficient in the global market.”

—— Paul Aucoin


Executive Director

Port of South Louisiana


The Port of South Louisiana


The Port of South Louisiana is America’s largest tonnage sea gateway for international trade. With increased throughput tonnage and the need for efficiency, Globalplex, located in Reserve, Louisiana and on the east bank of the Mississippi River, saw the need for new, updated equipment. Konecranes will be providing the required high-performance and extremely robust port equipment that would handle the large cargo volume and years of continuous use.

科尼港口解決方案美洲區(qū)銷售經理Alan Garcia對此表示:“顯然,我們花費大量時間維系良好的客戶關系,且卓效顯著。我們在這一頗具挑戰(zhàn)性的項目上花費兩年時間,現在終于實現我們的初衷。我們希望繼續(xù)與南圣路易斯安納港口和Globalplex攜手并進,共創(chuàng)美好的未來。”

“We’ve taken the time to build a good customer relationship, and you can see the results,” says Alan Garcia, Sales Manager, Americas, Konecranes Port Solutions. “After two years working on this challenging project, it’s very satisfying to achieve what we set out to do. We hope to continue working with both Port of South Louisiana and Globalplex long into the future.”



