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Bendi叉車“空叉取貨”操作教程O(píng)perating your Bendi forklift

2018-09-04 08:42 性質(zhì):轉(zhuǎn)載 作者:搬迪倉(cāng)儲(chǔ)叉車 來(lái)源:搬迪倉(cāng)儲(chǔ)叉車
一)Setting the forks放置貨叉 Before you get on the forklift make sure the...

 一)Setting the forks放置貨叉                                            
Before you get on the forklift make sure the  spacing between the forks (item 1) Fig. 38, is properly set:
在上車前,請(qǐng)確保貨叉之間的間距(item 1) Fig. 38所示,正確放置:
1. Measure the opening between the end stringers on the pallet (item 2) Fig. 38.
2. Lift the fork locks up (item 3) Fig. 38
Move the forks until the spacing between them is equal to one-half the opening between the end stringers on the pallet. Make sure the forks are seated in a carriage notch and equidistant from the ends of the carriage (item 4) Fig. 38.
4. Press the fork locks down to ensure locking.
1. 測(cè)量托盤(pán)兩端梁距(item 2) Fig. 38.
2. (固定)鎖定貨叉 (第3項(xiàng)),如圖(item 3) Fig.38
3. 將貨叉移動(dòng),直到它們的間距等于托盤(pán)兩端梁距開(kāi)口的一半。確保貨叉位于叉架的凹口中,并且兩端等距(item 4) Fig.38.
4. 按下叉鎖,以確保鎖定。

二) Retrieving a load 存取貨物
Follow these steps to retrieve a load:
Note: The following illustrations show standard 100cm x 120cm pallets loaded on a rack with 244cm beams.
The arrow labeled with an ‘S’ shows the direction you must turn the steering wheel. The (lighter) arrows show the truck and fork direction.
注:以下插圖顯示標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的100厘米x 120厘米托盤(pán)存放在一個(gè)244厘米橫梁的貨架上。
標(biāo)有“S”的箭頭表示 :必須轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)方向盤(pán)的方向。(較輕的)箭頭顯示車和叉的方向。
1.Approach the aisle (item 1) Fig. 39, keeping the truck in the centre and drive down the aisle to the required location.
接近過(guò)道(item 1)Fig39,保持叉車在中間,并開(kāi)車沿著過(guò)道到所需的位置。(上圖2.3.的位置 ***叉車擋貨架與托盤(pán)的遠(yuǎn)端平齊)
1. Centre the forks using the side shift lever (if you have this option).

2. Drive forward until the front edge of the load wheel, (item 2), is aligned with the end of the pallet (item 3) as shown in Fig.39
向前行駛,直到負(fù)載輪的前緣(叉車擋貨架item 2) Fig.39與貨物末端邊緣對(duì)齊(item 3) Fig.39。
3. Lift the forks to the required height, and then level the forks using the tilt lever.
4. Stop the truck. Then without driving in either direction turn the forks towards  the racking (counter clockwise for LHS)so that the front corner of the forks are approx 10cm from the rack face. Put the truck into reverse and while driving SLOWLY backwards continue turning the forks (counter clockwise for LHS) so that they end up parallel and central to the aperture. Fig. 37.

停車,然后(左舵逆時(shí)針)轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)方向盤(pán),貨叉前沿距離貨架系統(tǒng)立面約是10厘米。叉車緩慢向后行,繼續(xù)轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)貨物(逆時(shí)針轉(zhuǎn)舵),這樣“貨叉中心 ”就會(huì)與“貨位”或者“托盤(pán)中心”平行。(圖37).
5. Then, to insert the forks into the load, drive the truck forwards while turning the forks in the opposite direction (clockwise for LHS) ensuring that they stay parallel to the aperture at all times. (any central misalignment can be corrected with side shift after this procedure). Fig. 38.
然后,調(diào)整貨叉高度貨叉入位,貨叉平行插入托盤(pán)的孔隙,將叉車前行,同時(shí)將貨叉轉(zhuǎn)向相反方向(順時(shí)針轉(zhuǎn)舵),以確保它們始終進(jìn)叉平行于托盤(pán)進(jìn)叉孔(與貨架橫梁垂直)。 在此過(guò)程之后,任何中心偏差都可以通過(guò)側(cè)移來(lái)糾正)。圖38.
6. Pick up the load, but only raise the load high enough to clear the rack or the load may catch on the rack.

7 、Retrieving a load 取出貨物

8. Shift into reverse and slowly back away from the stack as you turn the steering-wheel counterclockwise (to keep the forks straight) Fig. 43. 當(dāng)你逆時(shí)針轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)方向盤(pán)(使貨叉保持垂直與貨架橫梁)時(shí),向后移動(dòng),慢慢地遠(yuǎn)離堆垛物,如Fig. 43所示。
9. You may need to side shift as you back out the load to clear the rack.

If you do not have a side shift option, or you still are unable to get enough clearance, drive forward and try the removal process again. To get more clearance, don’t start turning the forks until you have backed out  20 to 40 cm.如果您沒(méi)有側(cè)移選項(xiàng),并且無(wú)法獲得足夠的間隙時(shí),請(qǐng)向前行駛,然后再試一次取貨物過(guò)程。為了獲得更多的空間,在后退20到40厘米之前不要開(kāi)始轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)貨叉。
10. When the front right hand corner of the load (item 1) Fig. 40 clears the rack, stop backing and turn the steering wheel clockwise to straighten out the forks so they are parallel with the body of the truck (Fig. 43). 當(dāng)貨物的右前角(第1項(xiàng))退出時(shí),停止倒車,順時(shí)針?lè)较蜣D(zhuǎn)動(dòng)方向盤(pán),使叉子與機(jī)身平行。
11. Lower the forks until they are 10 to 15cm off the ground and slowly drive the truck to the next location observing the safety rules previously stated (Fig. 44).





